Following several days of severe heat, certain areas of Delhi-NCR had rain on Friday along with strong winds brought on by Cyclone Biparjoy. Images of people welcoming the rain and taking pleasure in the much-needed respite from the sweltering heat emerged from locations in Noida as well as from areas of Delhi, including Feroz Shah Road, Kartavya Path, and RK Puram, among others.#WATCH | Delhi witnesses a sudden change in weather as the city receives light showers. Visuals from RK Puram.— ANI (@ANI) June 16, 2023 The weathers shift was anticipated by the India Meteorological Department (IMD), which earlier this week predicted that cyclone Biporjoy would bring rain to Delhi, Rajasthan, and other nearby regions. The storm, which made landfall near Gujarats Jakhau Port on Thursday, caused coastal districts to experience torrential rain.The national capitals minimum temperature today was 27.9 degrees Celsius, according to the IMD website. The IMD had forecast in its morning bulletin that the city will experience light rain, thundershowers, and strong winds. The IMD predicts that the citys maximum temperature would likely be about 38 degrees Celsius.Thunderstorm with light to moderate intensity rain and gusty winds 30-40 Km/h would occur over and adjoining areas of many places of Delhi ( Vivek Vihar, Red fort, Preet Vihar, Rajeev chauk, ITO, India Gate, Akshardham, Palam, Safdarjung, Lodi Road, Nehru Stadium, IGI Airport,— India Meteorological Department (@Indiametdept) June 16, 2023 Despite there being no prediction, there was rain on Wednesday in some areas of Delhi, including Dwarka. Light rain showers will continue in the city until Monday, when the partly overcast sky will cover it until next Thursday, according to the IMD forecast.