On his religious trip, Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan visited Govardhan and Banke Bihari temples in Mathura. He completed a 21-kilometre circumambulation of Govardhan, covering 16 km by e-rickshaw and the remaining 5 km on foot.His visit to Mathuras Govardhan and Vrindavan temples has garnered attention from devotees and the media. The Chief Minister reached Govardhan late on Saturday evening, accompanied by IG, DM, and SSP, and received a warm welcome from Govardhan MLA Megh Shyam Singh.Arrival at GovardhanOn Saturday evening, Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan arrived in Mathura from Agras Kheria airport via Mathura. Govardhan MLA Megh Shyam Singh welcomed him by wearing a patka. After resting in a hotel, the Chief Minister headed to Govardhan for Parikrama.Circumambulation of GovardhanThe Chief Minister started his circumambulation from Radha Kund with his convoy and walked about 5 km on foot. He then covered the remaining 16 km by e-rickshaw. The Chief Ministers wife, Sadhna Singh, who had already arrived in Govardhan with a Mahila Mandal, completed the circumambulation with him. They reached Radha Kund, where they worshipped and began circumambulating on foot. After walking about 5 km, they took a break and resumed the remaining 16 km journey by e-rickshaw the next day.Visit to Banke Bihari templeAfter completing the circumambulation of Govardhan, the Chief Minister headed to Banke Bihari temple in Vrindavan. The temple authorities had made stringent security arrangements, and the Chief Minister was welcomed with traditional rituals. He lit a lamp and worshipped according to the rules and regulations. Gyanendra Goswami from the temple performed the Vedic mantras during the Chief Ministers worship. He then blessed the fulfilment of the Chief Ministers wishes. After the visit, the Chief Minister left for Bhopal by helicopter. He expressed his desire for everyones well-being, health, and happiness.ConclusionChief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan expressed his good wishes for everyone and wished for their health, happiness, and well-being while talking to the media after the visit. His religious trip to Govardhan and Banke Bihari temple highlights the importance of spirituality in ones life.