Bhopal: Family of four found dead, police recover suicide note

In the recent incident from Madhya Pradesh’s Bhopal, four members of the same family, a couple, and two children were found dead on Thursday under unusual circumstances. Based on the first impression, the husband and wife hanged themselves to death and the children might have been poisoned, according to the police. A case has been […]

Sonia Dham
Last Updated : Thursday, 13 July 2023
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In the recent incident from Madhya Pradesh’s Bhopal, four members of the same family, a couple, and two children were found dead on Thursday under unusual circumstances. Based on the first impression, the husband and wife hanged themselves to death and the children might have been poisoned, according to the police.

A case has been reported at Bhopal‘s neighbourhood of Ratibad Police Station. A ‘suicide note’ was found at the spot, after getting the information, the police started an investigation. The family’s debt was referenced in the note. The police claimed after conducting the initial inquiry, that the family was reportedly under pressure to repay loans they had accepted through an online loan application. The family claims that the moneylenders threatened to blackmail them by going viral with some pornographic images if they did not pay back.

What was written in the suicide note?

The suicide note that was recovered by the police officials was addressing the family members left behind, they apologised for this act and wrote that maybe everything will be fine after they leave. In the note, they also requested the officials not to harass the family members for the loan. Apart from this, the desire to cremate everyone together and not to do postmortem has also been expressed in the suicide note.