Severe waterlogging was witnessed in some parts of Bengaluru on Tuesday after heavy rainfall lashed Karnatakas capital on Monday. Bengalurus adjoining Bellandur area, witnessed severe water logging due to heavy rainfall on the roads which resulted in a three-kilometre-long traffic jam. In addition to this, people in Manyata Tech Park, Seshadripuram also witnessed waterlogging.Taking the precautions, Bengaluru Traffic Police has issued an advisory and said that it is working tirelessly to resolve the situation.“Due to waterlogging near Bellanduru Kodi, vehicles and commuters were stuck in the midst of the flood. With the assistance of a tractor, our Inspector sir and team successfully rescued all commuters and pedestrians,” HAL airport traffic police BTP posted on X.Advising commuters to avoid the route, Traffic police said, “Still this route is not in a condition to use for commuters so please avoid this route and use Outer Ring Road as an alternative.”Traffic advisory Due to water logging sakra hospital road is completely closed, commuters please avoid using belanduru Kodi road,and use ORR as an alternative TQ.@CPBlr @Jointcptraffic @DCPTrEastBCP @acpwfieldtrf @blrcitytraffic @BlrCityPolice— HAL AIRPORT TRAFFIC BTP (@halairporttrfps) October 10, 2023Meanwhile, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) has stated that rainfall occurred at a few places over Coastal Karnataka and South interior Karnataka whereas dry weather prevailed over North interior Karnataka.Isolated Heavy rainfall very likely over South Interior Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala during next 3 days.#SouthwestMonsoon #withdrawalMonsoon #Weather #Monsoon @moesgoi @DDNewslive @ndmaindia @airnewsalerts— India Meteorological Department (@Indiametdept) October 9, 2023“Somwarpet (Kodagu district) 9 cm rainfall CR Patna (Hassan district) 8 cm rainfall Tumakuru, Hoskote (Bengaluru Rural district) 7 cm rainfall has been received,” IMD said.In addition to this, the weather department has also predicted Light to moderate rain accompanied by thundershowers in some areas of Bengaluru in the next 24 hours.“For the next 48 hours, Generally cloudy sky. Light to moderate rain/thundershowers heavy at times very likely towards evening/night. Maximum and Minimum temperatures very likely to be around 29 and 21 Degrees Celsius respectively,” the Met department said in its bulletin.