Amid the skyrocketing price of tomatoes and other vegetables, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi was spotted at Delhis Azadpur Mandi while talking to vegetable and fruit vendors on Tuesday morning. Rahul Gandhi meets vendors at Delhis Azadpur market Several videos of Rahul Gandhi talking to the vendors have surfaced on social media since this morning, where he could be seen inquiring about the prices of the vegetables at the market. Rahul Gandhi visited Azadpur Mandi in Delhi in the early hours and interacted with vegetable & fruit vendors in the market ❤️— Darshni Reddy (@angrybirdtweetz) August 1, 2023Moreover, on Saturday, the Congress leader also shared a video on his Twitter handle, showing a vegetable vendor in tears at the national capitals Azadpur market.Heres Rahul Gandhis tweet: Sharing the video clip, Congresss Rahul Gandhi wrote in Hindi, “The country is being divided into two classes,” Rahul Gandhi wrote on Twitter.”देश को दो वर्गों में बांटा जा रहा है!एक तरफ सत्ता संरक्षित ताकतवर लोग हैं जिनके इशारों पर देश की नीतियां बन रही हैं।और दूसरी तरफ है आम हिंदुस्तानी, जिसकी पहुंच से सब्ज़ी जैसी बुनियादी चीज़ भी दूर होती जा रही है।हमें अमीर-गरीब के बीच बढ़ती इस खाई को भर, इन आंसुओं को पोंछना…— Rahul Gandhi (@RahulGandhi) July 28, 2023“We have to fill this widening gap between the rich and the poor and wipe these tears,” he added.Looking into the video, a vegetable vendor, Rameshwar, with teary eyes said, “The tomatoes are too expensive. I do not have enough money to buy it.”“We are not even sure at what price we will be able to sell it. If they get damp in the rain or something happens to the stock, we end up making a loss,” the distressed vendor said.He also added that inflation had put him in a desperate situation and he cant even earn Rs 100-200 a day.Despite the centres initiative to reduce the price of tomatoes, this kitchen staple still hovers between Rs 160-200 per kg in the national capital and its NCR regions.