25 years of jail to Haryana man for raping teen daughter

A Fast Track Court in Haryana on Tuesday sentenced a 50-year-old man to 25 years of imprisonment for raping his minor daughter in 2018. According to the sources, the man has also been imposed for the fine of ₹25,000 by Additional Sessions Judge Rajesh Kumar Mehta. The police officers said that the court had rendered […]

Sonia Dham
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A Fast Track Court in Haryana on Tuesday sentenced a 50-year-old man to 25 years of imprisonment for raping his minor daughter in 2018. According to the sources, the man has also been imposed for the fine of ₹25,000 by Additional Sessions Judge Rajesh Kumar Mehta.

The police officers said that the court had rendered a verdict on August 19 and set Tuesday for the imposition of punishment. They also disclosed that girl had become pregnant after the accused had assaulted her.

The girl had said in her complaint that she was 15 years old and enrolled in class 11, according to the prosecution. She said that because of her father’s drinking and arguments with her mother, the latter left the house and moved in with her parents in Rajasthan. She also added that her father raped her on June 11, 2018.

The prosecution further added that few days after the incident when the girl had stomach ache, she found that she got pregnant. After which she was forcefully given the abortion pills. The victim, thereafter, explained everything to her mother after which they registered a complaint against the accused.

Thereafter, the police had registered a case against the accused under sections 376 (rape) and 313 (causing miscarriage without woman’s consent) of IPC and under the provisions of the POCSO Act.