The inaugural edition of the Womens Premier League is just a few days away and the Delhi Capitals players are eager to create magic in this historic tournament. Delhi Capitals acquired 18 players in the WPL auction earlier this month.“Experienced players can use the Womens Premier League as a platform to make a comeback and youngsters can be encouraged to make a comeback, leg-spinner Poonam said when asked what the WPL means to them.”She also added that “We will get a chance to show our talent in the tournament. We can also learn from international players and they will also learn from us. WPL will take Indian cricket to new heights.” The Delhi Capitals player said the competition will elevate Indian womens cricket to the next level. She is trying to use the WPL to reclaim her spot in the national team.Poonam Yadav, 31, last competed for India in an ODI match against Bangladesh in March of last year. She was purchased for Rs 30 lakh by the Delhi franchise for the inaugural WPL season.The WPL is scheduled to commence on March 4 with the match between Mumbai Indians and Gujarat Giants.Meanwhile, batsman Jasia Akhtar spoke about how she felt on the day of the auction. She said, “when my name came up in the WPL auction, I turned off the TV. I even switched off my phone for 15 minutes. When I switched on my phone, I got a call from my brother and he told me that Delhi Capitals had picked me up. I didnt believe him, but then I talked to my parents and they were very excited. I feel proud after being picked up by such a big franchise. Im looking forward to playing Meg Lanning and Marijan Kapp.”Arundhati Reddy, who played for India in T20I against England in July 2021, is also excited about the opportunity to play alongside international stars. She said that it is a great opportunity for us as we will get the chance to rub our shoulders with some great players of the game. “I went unsold in the first round of auction and I was not sure if my name would come up again. Jemimah Rodrigues called me and told me that I had been picked up by Delhi Capitals and thats how I got to know. She was very excited,” she added.Titas Sadhu, who won “Player of the Match” in last months Womens U-19 T20 World Cup victory for India, said being selected by Delhi Capitals was a “big relief” for her. She said, “I was simultaneously practising and watching the auction. When I was selected by the Delhi Capitals, it was a big relief. As I will be exposed to something I have never encountered before, I will try to learn as much as I can during this tournament. Ill make an effort to learn whatever I can.”On March 5, Delhi Capitals will face Royal Challengers Bangalore at the Brabourne to open their WPL season.The Womens Premier League was launched in India in 2020. The Delhi Capitals are one of the participating teams. The auction took place a few days ago, where all the well-known players were selected for different teams. The team has announced its squad for this season.List of players from Delhi Capitals:Shafali Verma (India)Harmanpreet Kaur (India)Jemimah Rodrigues (India)Ellyse Perry (Australia)Sarah Taylor (England)Amelia Kerr (New Zealand)Radha Yadav (India)Sushma Verma (India)Anuja Patil (India)Poonam Yadav (India)Ayabonga Khaka (South Africa)Monica Patel (India)Simran Bahadur (India)Sneha Jain (India)Muskan Malik (India)With a strong squad comprising some Indian and international players, the team is hoping to put on a strong performance in the upcoming season of the Womens Premier League.