IPL: The TATA Group has emerged victorious in its bid to retain the title sponsorship rights for the Indian Premier League (IPL) for the next five years. The association of the TATA group with the prestigious cricket tournament will terminate after 2028. TATA group won after a competitive bidding process, where the conglomerate matched the INR 2500 crore offer presented by the Aditya Birla Group.The TATA Group initially secured the IPL title sponsorship rights in 2022 by entering into a sub-licensing agreement with Vivo, who held the rights since 2018. However, due to geopolitical tensions between India and China, Vivo opted to withdraw from the deal paving the way for the Tata Group to step in and contribute Rs 365 crore per season and cover the remaining value of the contract.🚨 NEWS 🚨TATA Group secures title sponsorship rights for IPL 2024-28.Details 🔽 #TATAIPL | @TataCompanieshttps://t.co/UE9fJ76zhT pic.twitter.com/tq3R2fq7lR— IndianPremierLeague (@IPL) January 20, 2024Earlier, the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) invited bids from interested parties for the 2024-2028 sponsorship rights. As per the Invitation To Tender (ITT) document, TATA held the right to match any competitive offer made by another entity and matched the Aditya Birla Groups INR 2500 crore bid, solidifying its position as the IPLs title sponsor for the foreseeable future.How much TATA will pay per seasonAccording to the new deal, TATA group is bound to pay Rs 500 crore per season, which is a significant increase from its previous contribution of Rs 365 crore.What were BCCIs stringent conditionsNotably, BCCI implemented stringent conditions for potential bidders in the 2024-2028 IPL title sponsorship tender. The board excluded companies or brands from countries with strained relations with India, clearly aiming to avoid controversies like the one faced with Vivo. TATA continues association with IPLWith its extensive reach and diverse portfolio, TATA is well-positioned to leverage this partnership to further strengthen its brand and connect with millions of cricket enthusiasts across India and the globe. The IPL, renowned for its high-octane entertainment and star-studded clashes, is poised to reach new heights.