On Monday, one day after the Gujarat Titans transferred Hardik Pandya to the Mumbai Indians, Shubman Gill was named captain of the team. This will be Gills first senior cricket leadership role, during the 2024 IPL season.🚨 CAPTAIN GILL reporting!𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐛𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐆𝐢𝐥𝐥 is ready to lead the Titans in the upcoming season with grit and exuberance 👊Wishing you only the best for this new innings! 🤩#AavaDe pic.twitter.com/PrYlgNBtNU— Gujarat Titans (@gujarat_titans) November 27, 2023Shubman Gill said, I am delighted and proud to assume the captaincy of Gujarat Titans and thank the franchise for their trust in me to lead such a fine team. We have had two exceptional seasons and I keenly look forward to leading the team with our exciting brand of cricket.Its Official. Hardik Pandya Traded To Mumbai Indians..Thank You Hardik Pandya.. You Will be Missed in our Dressing Room.. #HardikPandya pic.twitter.com/P7nK2QbKF6— Gujarat Titans (@Gujrat_titans_) November 26, 2023Gujarat Titans director of cricket, Vikram Solanki, said: Shubman Gill has shown growth in stature and standing over the last two years at the highest level of the game. Weve seen him mature not only as a batter but also as a leader in cricket. His contribution on the field has helped Gujarat Titans emerge as a formidable force, guiding the team through a successful campaign in 2022 and a strong run in 2023. His maturity and skill is evident in his on-field performance and we are extremely excited to embark on a new journey with a young leader like Shubman.