New Delhi: After winning the Nagina Lok Sabha seat in Uttar Pradesh during the 2024 elections, Bhim Army Chief Chandra Shekhar Aazad thanked the Muslim community for their strong support. Recently in an interview, Bhim Army Cheif talked about the rights of Muslim by saying Koi bhi keh deta hai Musalmano ko Nikal denge, Bhaga denge, Pakistan vej denge, Kiski himmat hai vej denge, Kiski hasiyat hai vej denge, We will not Tolerate this torture, inequality. Army Chief focused on Dalit rights Recently, the Bhim Army, led by Chandrashekhar Azad and focused on Dalit rights, has gained significant support from the Muslim community due to its strong stand against caste discrimination. Azads inclusive message and advocacy for marginalized communities, regardless of their religion, have resonated with many Muslims who feel neglected by traditional political parties.Azad, who ran as an independent candidate, recognized that Muslims voted for him as much as Dalits, a marginalized group he has long advocated for. In Uttar Pradesh, the Samajwadi Party (SP) secured 37 Lok Sabha seats, while the Congress won 6 seats. Chandra Shekhar Aazads Aazad Samaj Party also won one seat.Koi bhi keh deta hai Musalmano ko Nikal denge, Bhaga denge, Pakistan vej dengeKiski himmat hai vej dengeKiski hasiyat hai vej dengeWe will not Tolerate this torture, inequality- @BhimArmyChief 🔥@smitaprakash inside: Galti ho gayi bulake, paw paw maaf nahi karenge. 🥴— RAHUL (@RahulSeeker) July 4, 2024About Aazads uprisingChandrashekhar Aazad, the leader of the Bhim Army, has emerged as a prominent voice advocating for Dalit rights in India. He is known for his fierce activism against caste-based discrimination, Azad founded the Bhim Army to fight for social justice and equality for Dalits, who are among Indias most marginalized communities. His approach combines grassroots mobilization with assertive protests to highlight and challenge systemic inequalities. Azads leadership has resonated widely, especially among youth and marginalized communities, including Muslims, who appreciate his inclusive stance and unwavering commitment to social justice. His organization has grown rapidly, mobilizing support through community outreach, legal advocacy, and direct action against caste atrocities. Despite facing legal challenges and political opposition, Chandrashekhar Azad continues to be a symbol of resistance against caste oppression, inspiring many to join the movement for a more equitable society in India.