In a significant breakthrough, Delhi Police have apprehended Rizwan Abdul, a key operative linked to the ISIS Pune module. The arrest took place in the capital, marking a crucial step in the ongoing efforts to dismantle terrorist networks operating within India. National Investigation Agency (NIA) had declared a bounty of Rs 3 lakh on him. According to the sources, Rizwan is the resident of Daryaganj and second year drop out of Jamil Millia Islamia in Delhi.ISIS module terrorist identified as Rizwan Ali has been arrested. NIA had declared a bounty of Rs 3 lakh on him. Rizwan is a resident of Daryaganj, Delhi: Special Cell, Delhi Police— ANI (@ANI) August 9, 2024Background of Rizwan AbdulRizwan Abdul is believed to be a central figure in the ISIS Pune module, which has been under surveillance for its involvement in planning and executing various terrorist activities. Authorities have described Abdul as a high-value target due to his role in recruiting and radicalizing individuals for the terrorist organization. His arrest is seen as a critical move in counter-terrorism efforts aimed at curbing the influence of ISIS in the region.Details of the ArrestThe arrest was made following an extensive investigation by Delhi Police, who had been tracking Abduls activities for several months. Intelligence reports had indicated his involvement in planning attacks and coordinating with other operatives within the ISIS network. The operation was carried out with precision, ensuring that Abdul was captured without incident. Police have also recovered weapons from Rizwans possession.Understanding the Pune ISIS Module CaseThe Pune ISIS module case has garnered significant attention due to its links with the international terrorist organization, ISIS. Authorities in India have been investigating a group suspected of planning terrorist activities under the influence of ISIS, operating out of Pune. This case underscores the ongoing global challenge of counter-terrorism efforts and the vigilance required to prevent extremist threats. The Pune module, part of a broader network, was found to be in the advanced stages of executing its plans, raising serious security concerns.Meanwhile, it is important to note that the detention of Rizwan Abdul is expected to have a significant impact on ISIS operations in India. Law enforcement agencies anticipate that his arrest will disrupt the functioning of the Pune module and hinder the recruitment efforts of the terrorist group. This move is part of a broader strategy to weaken ISISs foothold in the country and prevent further radicalization.