New Delhi: CM Arvind Kejriwal has been lodged in Tihar Jail for the last six months in connection with the alleged liquor scam in Delhi. A rally was held at Jantar Mantar in support of Kejriwal, attended by top leaders from the All India Alliance On Tuesday. Sunita Kejriwal, the CMs wife, and Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann were among the speakers who vehemently criticized the central government. Mann, visibly emotional, praised Kejriwals achievements in Delhi, claiming he successfully closed down the BJPs commission shops.What Punjab CM said in the speech Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann said in Hindi, Where should we go to get Arvind Kejriwal bail This is ridiculous! Tell us... should we approach the Supreme Court, which lawyer should we hire What wrong have we done... tell us. He added further, while wiping his tears, We built schools, hospitals, and provided free electricity... is this our fault This is too much... at least tell us what our fault is.Bhagwant Mann continued his speech, saying, When Kejriwal ate on the ship, he would first check his sugar levels with a machine. Kejriwal has to apply mehndi on his stomach because he gets injections in his stomach.He made electricity-free, built schools, what wrong has Kejriwal done Without any fault, Sanjay Singh was kept inside for 6 months. In the new law, there is a 3-month police custody, and one has to prove themselves innocent too. Who do these Gujarati tadipaar (seasonal birds) think they are This era wont last forever, theres a limit to oppression.Punjab CM targeted Prime Minister Nowadays, PM Modis tactics have changed because the opposition is speaking up. Hes saying that an attempt is being made to silence him. Every word of his turns out to be a lie. Now, even his ability to make tea is questionable. Common people from homes have become AAP MPs, MLAs, and CMs. Tihar Jail is not far from here Arvind Kejriwal should hear the sound of Inquilab Zindabad (Long live the revolution).Kejriwals health ignored in jail, says wife Sunita Sunita Kejriwal said Manguta Reddy met the CM only once and Kejriwal was put in jail before the Lok Sabha elections. ED did this as part of a conspiracy and under pressure. The trial court granted bail to the CM. Then CBI arrested Kejriwal on the statement of this very MP. He is suffering from diabetes for 22 years.He takes insulin to control his sugar. When he went to jail, he was not given insulin. Kejriwals illness was ignored as part of a conspiracy. The sugar level is detected by a reader. A graph is made which shows the sugar level for the whole day. If the sugar level is low then one gets nervous and shivers occur.CMs wife Sunita slams fake cases against KejriwalSunita Kejriwal continued, At home, whenever this happened, we would give him something sweet to eat. In jail, his sugar levels dropped many times. But God protects those who are innocent, no one can harm them. The LG wrote in a letter that Arvind Kejriwal is deliberately eating less.Would Arvind Kejriwal want to harm himself This is nothing but a BJP conspiracy. Fake cases are being filed to play with the Chief Ministers health. These people want to stop Delhis work because Kejriwal gets work done in Delhi. What have BJP MPs done CM Kejriwal is not afraid of all this. Ive been with him for 30 years. Arvind Kejriwal has a passion for serving others.