Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shindes recent meeting with Bollywood superstar Salman Khan has sparked significant attention after he assured Khan of enhanced security following a recent security breach outside his Bandra residence. In a bold statement addressing gang violence in Mumbai, Shinde pledged to take decisive action against Lawrence Bishnoi, a notorious figure allegedly involved in the incident.Meeting with Salman KhanEknath Shinde, the Chief Minister of Maharashtra, went to Salmans residence to discuss security measures in the wake of an alarming incident where unidentified individuals opened fire outside Khans Bandra residence. Shinde assured Khan and his family of heightened security measures and instructed the Mumbai Police to intensify protection for the actor and his household.Crackdown on gang violenceDuring a media interaction following the meeting, Shinde denounced the presence of organized crime groups in Mumbai, emphasizing that such elements have no place in the city. He affirmed the governments commitment to rooting out criminal activities and specifically mentioned the intention to dismantle the Lawrence Bishnoi gang, which is allegedly linked to the recent security breach outside Khans residence.Social media uproarIn response to Shindes statements, members of the Vishnoi community initiated a social media campaign demanding an apology from the Chief Minister. Under the hashtag Eknath Shinde apologize, individuals shared posts expressing solidarity with the community and urging Shinde to retract his remarks challenging the communitys existence.Security breach at Salman Khans residenceThe incident that triggered these developments occurred when two individuals on a motorcycle fired multiple shots outside Salman Khans Galaxy Apartment in Bandra, Mumbai. Although no injuries were reported, one bullet pierced the exterior wall of Khans residence, prompting swift action from law enforcement.Accused arrestedFollowing the security breach, Mumbai Police swiftly apprehended two suspects connected to the incident. Identified as Vicky Gupta (24) and Sagar Pal (21), the individuals were arrested in connection with the shooting outside Khans residence. Investigations into the motive behind the attack are ongoing as authorities work to ensure the safety and security of all residents, including prominent figures like Salman Khan.