New Delhi: In a recent update from his Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra, Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha, Rahul Gandhi, has hinted at a possible new initiative called the Bharat Dojo Yatra. The term Dojo refers to a training hall where students practice martial arts, including self-defense techniques.On Thursday, Rahul Gandhi shared a video on X, showcasing a unique aspect of his Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra, his involvement in jiu-jitsu practice. “What began as a simple way to stay fit quickly evolved into a community activity, bringing together fellow yatris and young martial arts students from the towns where we stayed,” he noted in his post.Teaching youth the Gentle Art of resolutionRahul emphasized the importance of introducing the Gentle Art to young people. This term encompasses a blend of meditation, jiu-jitsu, Aikido, and non-violent conflict resolution techniques. “We aimed to instill in them the value of transforming violence into gentleness, giving them the tools to build a more compassionate and safer society,” he added.In his post, which coincides with #NationalSportsDay, Rahul Gandhi expressed his hope that sharing this experience would inspire others to embrace the practice of the Gentle Art. The video, titled Seekhoge Thoda Martial, Thoda Gentle Art, features Rahul, who holds an Aikido black belt, and his trainer Arun Sharma, a jiu-jitsu black belt. Throughout their 6,700+ km journey, they practiced martial arts and taught children in various locations.During the Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra, as we journeyed across thousands of kilometers, we had a daily routine of practicing jiu-jitsu every evening at our campsite. What began as a simple way to stay fit quickly evolved into a community activity, bringing together fellow yatris and…— Rahul Gandhi (@RahulGandhi) August 29, 2024Rahul Gandhis new ventureAt the end of his post, Rahul Gandhi teased the launch of the Bharat Dojo Yatra, writing, “P.S.: Bharat Dojo Yatra is coming soon.” This follows his earlier Bharat Jodo Yatra from January to March this year, which spanned from Manipur to Mumbai, and a previous journey from Kanniyakumari to Srinagar from September 2022 to January 2023.