New Delhi: The wrestling turmoil continues, with Vinesh Phogat, following in the footsteps of Bajrang Punia, surrendering her prestigious Arjuna Award. Expressing solidarity with the protest against the Wrestling Federation of India (WFI), Vinesh attempted to return her award to the Prime Ministers Office (PMO). However, her path was obstructed by the police, prompting her to leave the award at the barricades on her way.An unprecedented day in the lives of athletesIn a poignant moment, Vinesh Phogat shared her sentiments, expressing that no player should experience such a day in their career. The current predicament, she noted, marks a challenging phase for women wrestlers in the country.A form of protestThis move follows Bajrang Punias earlier decision to return his Padmashree award, accompanied by a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The symbolic act is a statement of dissent, echoing the frustration of many wrestlers, including Sakshee Malikkh, against the current leadership of the WFI.यह दिन किसी खिलाड़ी के जीवन में न आए। देश की महिला पहलवान सबसे बुरे दौर से गुज़र रही हैं। #vineshphogat— Bajrang Punia 🇮🇳 (@BajrangPunia) December 30, 2023Controversial WFI electionsThe root cause of this unrest lies in the controversial Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) elections, where Sanjay Singh Bablu, a close associate of Brijbhushan Sharan Singh, emerged victorious. Wrestlers, including Vinesh Phogat, Bajrang Punia, and Sakshee Malikkh, have been vocal about their dissatisfaction, demanding the appointment of a female president for WFI.Ministrys intervention, suspensionIn response to the alleged rule violations by WFI, the Sports Ministry suspended the newly elected executive under Sanjay Singhs leadership. The ministry accused WFI of hastily announcing national competitions without following proper procedures. According to the ministry, the decision-making process lacked adherence to established rules.देश के लिए शर्म का दिनपहलवान बजरंग पूनिया के बाद अब देश को मेडल दिलाने वाली बेटी विनेश फोगाट ने अपना खेल रत्न और अर्जुन अवॉर्ड प्रधानमंत्री ऑफिस के बाहर रख दिया है।PM मोदी और उनकी सरकार ने इन्हें इस कदर प्रताड़ित किया कि आज ये कदम उठाने को मज़बूर हैं।शर्मनाक!— Congress (@INCIndia) December 30, 2023Sakshee Malikkhs retirement Sanjay Singhs presidency prompted Sakshee Malikkh to announce her retirement tearfully. She highlighted the hardships faced during the protest and thanked the supporters who stood by them. With emotional intensity, Sakshi placed her wrestling shoes on the table, symbolising the end of her wrestling career.Athletes resilienceThe unrest in the wrestling community persists, with athletes taking unprecedented steps to voice their discontent. The symbolic return of awards underscores the gravity of the situation, urging attention to the demands of the wrestling fraternity for a fair and representative leadership.