In a horrifying turn of events, a 22-year-old womans wedding in Madhya Pradeshs Ashok Nagar was disrupted by an attempted kidnapping. The main accused, Kalu alias Salim Khan, who had previously raped the woman and defamed her with a video, attacked her family on her wedding day as she was marrying another man.Around 6 PM, Kalu and his associates Jodha, Sameer, and Shahrukh, stormed the womans house with swords and iron rods. The attackers brutally assaulted her family when she protested, breaking her fathers leg and her brothers arm. Her mother was also severely beaten in the chaos. The attackers then dragged the woman out of her house, causing her and her family to scream for help.Communitys save girlAs the woman and her family cried out, a crowd began to gather. Initially, the attackers threatened the onlookers, but as the crowd grew larger, they fled, leaving the woman behind. During the commotion, the attackers also threatened both the womans family and the family of the man she was engaged to, creating an atmosphere of fear and tension.Watch the video here:अशोकनगर : बदमाशों ने एक से युवती को तलवार के दम पर उठाया, बचाने आए पिता और भाई पर तलवार से किया हमला, भीड़ इकट्ठा हुई तो बदमाश युवती को छोड़कर हुए फरार, देखें वायरल VIDEO #Ashoknagar @spashoknagar_mp @MPPoliceDeptt #MPNews #PeoplesUpdate— Peoples Samachar (@psamachar1) May 31, 2024Police reluctance Despite the severity of the attack, the police were initially reluctant to register the case. It was only after intervention from workers of a local Hindu outfit late on Wednesday night that the police finally registered cases based on complaints from both the woman and her father. This delay in police action has raised concerns about the response to such serious incidents and the protection of victims and their families.Continuing threatsThe womans family remains in a state of shock and fear following the attack. The injuries sustained by her father and brother are severe, and the emotional trauma experienced by the entire family is immense. The threats made by the attackers have left the family worried about their safety and the future.