PM Modi inaugurated the YashoBhoomi convention centre in Delhis Dwarka on Sunday. This event coincided with the occasion of Lord Vishwakarma Jayanti where he met with artisans and craftsmen from different fields of the industry at the India International Convention and Expo Centre (IICC), Dwarka.The Prime Minister also praised “Indias artisanal diversity” and extended his greetings on the occasion. He met artists such as potters, tailors, cobblers, masons and many more.He sat with the craftsmen and spoke to them about various topics relating to the work of their work.Earlier today, September 17, Modi launched the Vishwakarma scheme during the inauguration of the YashaBhoomi convention centre in Delhis Dwarka which will provide traditional craftsmen and artisans loan assistance at a minimal interest rate without the need for collateral.Ahead of the inauguration of the India International Convention and Expo Centre. Modi also went to pay tribute to Lord Vishwakarma on the occasion of Vishwakarma Jayanti#WATCH | Delhi: On the occasion of Vishwakarma Jayanti, Prime Minister Narendra Modi pays floral tribute to Lord Vishwakarma ahead of launching a new scheme PM Vishwakarma at India International Convention and Expo Centre, Dwarka.— ANI (@ANI) September 17, 2023 Apart from the inauguration of the India International Convention and Expo Centre (YashoBhoomi), PM Modi also launched the extension of the Delhi metro line that will connect the Delhi Airport Metro Express line with the convention centre.