A tragic incident has been reported that involves a first-year MBBS student at Dungarpur in Rajasthan. The student had serious ragging and was required to go on dialysis. He reportedly had to perform 300 push-ups in intense heat, which had a negative effect on his kidney.After registering a FIR against seven individuals in the second year, they have been suspended and booked in connection with this case. Meanwhile, it also came to light that though the cruel incident happened on May 15, the college administration intervened and took action against the students involved after receiving information from the National Medical Commission on Tuesday. Notably, the victim had filed a complaint against seven with the NMC anti-ragging cell.The first-year student was allegedly taken by the accused to a steep location 1.5 kilometers away from the college campus, where they forced him to perform push-ups in the intense heat, resulting in severe dehydration. He was admitted to a hospital in Ahmedabad for seven days and underwent dialysis four times. According to the complaint that has been registered, the accused took the victim out of the college campus to a hilly area, where they forced him to do push-ups in the blazing heat, resulting in severe dehydration.All the accused have been booked under multiple IPC sections, including 143 (unlawful assembly), 147 (rioting), 149 (offence committed in prosecution of common object), 323 (voluntarily causing hurt), 341 (wrongful restraint), and 352 (assault or criminal force otherwise than on grave provocation).Authorities are investigating the incident, and the college administration has been called upon to take strict action against those responsible.