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Violence erupts in Jodhpur over Eidgah gate construction: Two policemen injured

Violence erupted in Jodhpur on Friday night because a gate being built near Eidgah led to communal tension where a scuffle between the two groups rose into stone pelting which injured two policemen and a shop was also set on fire.

Top Indian News Desk
Last Updated : Saturday, 22 June 2024
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Violence erupted in a locality in Rajasthan's Jodhpur as clashes over the construction of a gate near an eidgah escalated into a chaotic scene on Friday night. According to Jodhpur West DCP Rajesh Kumar Yadav, the dispute initially arose over the erection of a gate at the rear of an eidgah near Rajaram Circle in the Soor Sagar area. Residents opposed the construction, citing concerns about unrestricted movement behind the eidgah.

The situation intensified overnight, leading to stone-pelting that resulted in injuries to two policemen, reported DCP Yadav. Additionally, a shop and a tractor were set ablaze, while a jeep was vandalised during the confrontation. To restore order, police resorted to dispersing the crowd with batons and firing several rounds of tear gas shells, which eventually brought the immediate unrest under control by late Friday night. However, tension lingered in the area, prompting heavy deployment of police and Rajasthan Armed Constabulary forces on Saturday morning to maintain peace.

Police Commissioner Rajendra Singh confirmed that two First Information Reports (FIRs) had been filed based on complaints from both sides involved in the clashes. As part of ongoing efforts to quell further disturbances, authorities have taken individuals from both factions into custody and continue to conduct raids to apprehend additional suspects.

The conflict stemmed from the commencement of wall construction behind the eidgah on Friday evening, which triggered resistance from locals and subsequently escalated into a violent confrontation characterised by stone pelting, arson, and vandalism. Despite initial attempts to negotiate peace with senior members from both communities, sporadic incidents of stone-pelting reignited tensions periodically throughout the night.

The incident underscores the fragile nature of communal tensions in the region, requiring vigilant policing and community engagement to prevent further escalation of violence. Authorities remain on high alert as they work to restore calm and ensure the safety of residents in the affected locality.