In a deeply distressing turn of events, a 13-year-old Dalit girl tragically lost her life after being set on fire while she was defecating in a village under the Haraiya Police Stations jurisdiction in Uttar Pradesh. The shocking nature of the incident has left the community reeling with disbelief and sorrow.The circumstances leading to the girls untimely demise remain shrouded in mystery, leaving authorities grappling for answers. Additional Superintendent of Police Yogesh Kumar revealed that the girl had ventured to a nearby field on Friday evening for her routine needs.Devastating discoveryTragically, the familys worst fears were realized when villagers reported a fire erupting in a nearby field. Rushing to the scene, the family discovered the lifeless body of the girl, engulfed in flames and charred beyond recognition.Police launch probeIn the wake of this horrific incident, authorities have conducted a post-mortem examination on the victims body to determine the exact cause of death. Meanwhile, law enforcement officials are actively pursuing leads and conducting a thorough investigation to unravel the circumstances surrounding this senseless act of violence.