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Uttar Pradesh: Beer bottles found in vaccine freezer at govt hospital

According to the rules, only medicines and vaccines should be kept in these, but in the community health center located in Dharpa of Khurja, apart from the vaccines given to children and pregnant women, beer and water bottles are also being kept cold. When the photos of beer and water bottles being kept cold in the vaccine freezer came out, instead of taking action, the health officers were busy suppressing the matter.

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Beer bottles kept in vaccine fridge (X/SachinGuptaUP)

New Delhi: A shocking incident has come to light from Uttar Pradesh's Bulandshahr district where beer bottles and water bottles are getting cold in the vaccine freezer kept in the government hospital. This government hospital is located in Khurja and instead of taking action, the health officers are busy suppressing the matter.

CHCs role in vaccine storage 

The health department administers BCG vaccine, zero-dose polio vaccine and hepatitis B vaccine to infants within 24 hours of their birth. 
Additionally, Community Health Centers (CHCs) are equipped with freezers to store a range of vaccines and medications that require a temperature range of 3-8°C. 

This infrastructure, including freezers and deep freezers, is available in all CHCs and major government hospitals to ensure the safe storage of temperature-sensitive vaccines and medicines.

Is it required to store only medicine in the freezer?

According to the rules, only medicines and vaccines should be kept in these, but in the community health center located in Dharpa of Khurja, apart from the vaccines given to children and pregnant women, beer and water bottles are also being kept cold. When the photos of beer and water bottles being kept cold in the vaccine freezer came out, instead of taking action, the health officers were busy suppressing the matter.

Astonishingly, even health officials who conduct regular inspections fail to notice the beer bottles in the freezer. According to employees, the officials often miss the beer because their inspections are superficial; they simply sit in a room, have tea and snacks, and then leave without thoroughly checking the freezer.

Chief Medical Officer Dr. Vinay Kumar Singh has acknowledged that he is aware of the situation involving the beer bottles being stored in the vaccine freezer. He stated that an investigation would be conducted by sending the Assistant Chief Medical Officer (ACMO) to thoroughly examine the issue. Dr. Singh assured that appropriate action will be taken against those responsible for improperly storing beer in the freezer.

