UP Police Sub Inspector assaults woman in public (snippets from video) (X/SachinGupta)
In a shocking display of aggression, UP Police Sub Inspector Sher Singh was involved in a public altercation that quickly escalated into violence. The incident occurred when Singh's car made contact with an e-rickshaw, triggering an intense reaction from the officer.
According to the video that surfaced on social media, witnesses reported that Sub Inspector Sher Singh exited his vehicle visibly agitated. In one hand, he brandished a pistol, while he used the other to hurl abuses. The confrontation reached a peak when Singh, in a fit of rage, slapped a woman who was at the scene.
ये हैं UP पुलिस के सब इंस्पेक्टर शेर सिंह। इनकी कार एक ई रिक्शा से टच हो गई। फिर शेर सिंह अपनी कार से नीचे उतरे। जुबान पर गालियां और एक हाथ में पिस्टल थी। दूसरे हाथ से महिला को थप्पड़ मारा।
— Sachin Gupta (@SachinGuptaUP) August 7, 2024
📍जिला हापुड़, उत्तर प्रदेश pic.twitter.com/KryvUozO2Q
The public's reaction was one of shock and outrage. Eyewitnesses expressed their disbelief at the behavior of a law enforcement officer, expected to maintain peace and order. The incident has sparked discussions on police conduct and the need for stringent measures to curb such behavior.
The incident has been brought to the attention of higher authorities, prompting calls for a thorough investigation.
Taking cognizance of the viral video of misbehavior with a woman on social media, Superintendent of Police Hapur has suspended Sub Inspector Sher Singh with immediate effect and detailed investigation of the case has been handed over to CO Nagar.
सोशल मीडिया पर महिला से अभ्रदता करने के वायरल वीडियो/प्रकरण का पुलिस अधीक्षक हापुड़ द्वारा संज्ञान लेते हुए उपनिरीक्षक शेर सिंह को तत्काल प्रभाव से निलंबित कर दिया गया है एवं प्रकरण की विस्तृत जांच सीओ नगर को सौंपी गई है।
— HAPUR POLICE (@hapurpolice) August 7, 2024
इस संबंध में अपर पुलिस अधीक्षक की बाइट..!
.@Uppolice pic.twitter.com/7S09M4Yshf
As the investigation unfolds, it remains to be seen what consequences Sub Inspector Sher Singh will face for his actions.
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