In a tragic turn of events in Crossings Republik, Ghaziabad, a young BTech student lost his life in a fatal shooting by his girlfriends father. The incident unfolded in the Paramount Symphony condominium, highlighting a devastating altercation within the quiet residential complex. The victim, identified as Vipul Verma, a third-year BTech student, was fatally shot by Rajesh Kumar Singh, a retired BSF jawan, during a heated argument at his daughters flat on the 14th floor. Singh reportedly fired multiple bullets into Vipuls chest, leading to a fatal outcome. Both the victim and the accused lived in separate flats within the same tower.Police responseAssistant Commissioner of Police Poonam Mishra detailed the events, noting that Singh immediately contacted emergency services after the altercation. Despite medical attention, Vipul succumbed to his injuries upon arrival at a nearby hospital. The police response was prompt, with authorities dispatched to the scene following Singhs call to 112.Conflicts in relationship Investigations revealed strained relations between Vipul and Singhs daughter, with frequent conflicts and unresolved tensions. Singh, originally from Ballia like Vipul, had a background in the BSF and worked in a private security agency in south Delhi. The incident shed light on the complexities of interpersonal relationships and the tragic consequences of unresolved disputes.Unanswered questionsThe aftermath of the tragedy left many questions unanswered, prompting a thorough investigation by the authorities. The sequence of events leading to the fatal shooting underscored the need for conflict resolution and the prevention of such heartbreaking incidents in the future.