Kunal Sharma, a young boy from Mayna village, Rabupura, tragically lost his life after being kidnapped from Greater Noida. His grieving family, especially his father Ram Krishna Kumar, laments the inefficiency of the Uttar Pradesh Police in rescuing their beloved son.After being abducted by unidentified individuals in a white car from the Beta 2 Kotwali area, Kunals whereabouts remained unknown for four days. Despite CCTV footage capturing the incident, the police failed to locate him promptly, leaving the family in anguish.Serious allegations against UP PoliceRam Krishna Kumar accuses the police of negligence and apathy, claiming they disregarded his pleas and failed to act. He alleges harassment of his family members and condemns the lack of empathy and efficiency within the police force.Expressing deep disappointment, Ram Krishna Kumar stated that the police, touted as efficient by some, have failed miserably in this case. He demands accountability and justice for his sons untimely demise, urging authorities to take decisive action against the perpetrators.Heres the CCTV footage:#UttarPradesh: The minor son of the owner of the famous Shiva Dhaba in Greater #Noida, #UP was kidnapped in broad daylight. A video of CCTV camera is going #viral in which a lady don is seen taking the teenager away covered. However, the video is not very clear. 1/2 pic.twitter.com/kE0waJwthM— Siraj Noorani (@sirajnoorani) May 2, 2024What did police sayAccording to the police, Kunal was lured into a car by an unknown woman while working at a local dhaba. His phone was switched off thereafter, and a case was registered under Section 363 (kidnapping) of the Indian Penal Code. Despite forming three investigative teams, the police failed to prevent this tragic outcome.The joyous atmosphere surrounding his elder sisters upcoming wedding was abruptly shattered when the family learned of Krishnajits tragic passing. Relatives of the victim are pointing fingers at the police, accusing them of negligence in locating the boy, despite filing a missing person report following his abduction.Following the kidnapping, Krishnajits father attempted to contact him via cellphone, only to find it switched off. The family scoured the neighborhood, reviewing CCTV footage, which revealed that he had been taken away in a car by unidentified individuals.