New Delhi: A disturbing incident occurred on a train in Telangana, highlighting growing tensions between communities. Recently on September 15th, a woman allegedly assaulted Naeem, a Muslim passenger on train 2273, using her slippers. This shocking event raises important concerns about accepting and living peacefully with people from different backgrounds.Details of the incidentNaeem, a passenger on the train, was traveling from Gulbarga to Tandur when he was subjected to physical abuse. The woman involved in the attack used her slippers to beat him. According to a Hindu passenger who was on the same train, Naeem did nothing to provoke the attack. This testimony suggests that Naeem was unjustly targeted and that the incident may have been fueled by factors beyond any personal wrongdoing on his part.Video surfaces on social mediaMuslim man Naeem was beaten with slippers by a woman in a train, Naeem was travelling from Gulbarga (Telangana) in train no. 2273 on 15 September, fellow Hindu youth said that Naeem was not at fault.— هارون خان (@iamharunkhan) September 16, 2024Witness account confirms Naeems innocenceThe Hindu passengers account of the incident has been crucial in understanding the context of the attack. His statement confirms that Naeem was not at fault and that the assault was unprovoked. This revelation has sparked a broader discussion about the need for greater protection and respect for passengers, regardless of their religious background.Netizens reaction to the post A user of X platform named Keyur wrote in Hindi, What happened is wrong brother. If something wrong is happening then call the police, we are not living in a jungle, this is a society and there are systems to handle things here. There should not be an issue of Muslim or Hindu, if anyone is getting harassed then use the right channel. If you like to show strength then stay in the jungle (this applies to this woman as well), but if we want to live in a civilized society then we have to behave accordingly.जो हुआ वो गलत है भाई। अगर कुछ गलत हो रहा है तो पुलिस को बुलाओ, हम जंगल में नहीं रह रहे हैं, ये समाज है और यहाँ चीजों को संभालने के लिए सिस्टम हैं। मुस्लिम या हिंदू का मुद्दा ही नहीं होना चाहिए, कोई भी अगर परेशान हो रहा है तो सही चैनल का इस्तेमाल करो। अगर ताकत दिखाने का शौक है तो…— Keyur (@keyur1961) September 17, 2024Another user of X platform named Subhojit wote, Too bad its not UP. Otherwise, such molesters would have been serviced by the police, bulldozer included in the package. Dont take the side of criminals just because they are from your qom to swipe your expired victim card.Too bad its not UP. Otherwise, such molesters would have been serviced by the police, bulldozer included in the package. Dont take the side of criminals just because they are from your qom to swipe your expired victim card.— Dr.Subhojit Dey 🇮🇳 (@deystrix) September 17, 2024