Tamil Nadu News: In a significant political development in Tamil Nadu, Udhayanidhi Stalin, son of Chief Minister M K Stalin, will be sworn in as the Deputy Chief Minister on Sunday at 3:30 PM at Raj Bhavan, Chennai. The announcement follows a recent press release from Raj Bhavan, confirming the Governors acceptance of the Chief Ministers recommendation to appoint Udhayanidhi to this key position.Changes in cabinet compositionAlongside Udhayanidhis elevation, Senthilbalaji, who was released from prison on bail just two days ago, is poised to return to the Cabinet. However, Chief Minister Stalin has also made notable changes, dropping three Ministers: Mano Thangaraj (Milk and Dairy Development), Gingee K S Masthan (Minorities Welfare), and K Ramachandran (Tourism).Tamil Nadu Minister Udhayanidhi Stalin appointed as Deputy CM of Tamil Nadu.The swearing-in ceremony will be held on September 29 at 3.30 pm at Raj Bhavan, Chennai pic.twitter.com/GJ9et93Ms8— ANI (@ANI) September 28, 2024Udhayanidhis Political AscentUdhayanidhis rapid rise in politics has been noteworthy. Appointed as the Minister for Sports and Youth Development in December 2022, he has shown remarkable promise since first campaigning for the DMK during the 2019 Lok Sabha elections. His ascension reflects a generational shift within the party, with the CM signaling that Udhayanidhi is being groomed for future leadership roles.Unlike his father, Udhayanidhi has faced minimal opposition within the party. Senior DMK leaders have expressed support for his leadership, indicating a smooth transition as he steps into this influential role. With his swearing-in set for tomorrow, all eyes will be on Udhayanidhi to see how he manages his new responsibilities and what this means for the future of the DMK.