System fails raped minor! Faces 'torture' during discharge after pregnancy termination

After the treatment of the minor rape victim at the Dehradun hospital, it took 5 extra days to discharge her from here. For 3 days, there was no ultrasound, and for two days, there was a lack of better coordination between the hospital and the police.

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In a heart-wrenching incident that shook the conscience of Uttarakhand, a minor girl endured a prolonged ordeal after being subjected to a horrific act of rape. The unfortunate chain of events unfolded when the minor became pregnant as a result of the heinous crime committed against her.

Acting on a court order, the traumatized victim was admitted to a hospital for an abortion procedure. However, the harrowing experience was exacerbated by the fact that it took an agonizing five days for the hospital to discharge her. This inexplicable delay compounded the anguish faced by the victim and her family, who found themselves grappling with untold distress.

Hospital Administration Promises Investigation

While the hospital administration has promised to investigate the matter, their initial response has been dismissive, shrugging off the incident by simply acknowledging the need for an inquiry. This stance has done little to alleviate the concerns of the victim and her loved ones, who seek accountability and justice.

"After the treatment of the minor rape victim in Dehradun Hospital, it took 5 more days to discharge her," revealed a spokesperson, adding that the delay was caused by a lack of ultrasound facilities for three days and poor coordination between the hospital and police for two days, causing immense suffering to the victim and her family.

Absence of Female Radiologist Adds to Complications

According to reports, a few days ago, a case of rape of a minor was reported in the Cant police station area, leaving the victim two months pregnant. On the court's order, she was admitted to Doon Hospital for an abortion. However, the procedure hit a snag when, for three days, the ultrasound could not be performed due to the absence of a female radiologist.

On Friday, the ultrasound and report were finally given in the morning, but the hospital authorities insisted that the victim would be discharged only when the police arrived. The police, however, stated that their presence was unnecessary for this purpose.