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New Delhi: In a heartbreaking turn of events, Arjun, a B.Com graduate and ITI passout, found himself at the brink of despair after losing his only source of livelihood. After failing to secure a job despite his qualifications, Arjun took out a loan to purchase a rickshaw, which became his sole means of survival. Tragically, the rickshaw was stolen, leaving him devastated and without a way to support himself.
The theft was reported to the police, who promptly registered an FIR. However, despite their efforts, the rickshaw was never recovered. With no means of income and mounting financial pressure, Arjun's situation grew increasingly dire. Tired and exhausted by the relentless challenges, Arjun saw no way out and reached the Commissioner's office with a can of petrol, intending to take his own life in a final act of desperation.
This tragic incident underscores the severe challenges faced by many educated but unemployed individuals in the country. Arjun's story is a stark reminder of the financial and emotional toll that unemployment and lack of opportunities can take on a person's life. Despite his best efforts to make ends meet, the loss of his rickshaw pushed him to the edge, leaving him with a sense of hopelessness that ultimately led to this tragic outcome.