In a shocking and tragic incident in Madhya Pradesh, a young child has been brutally punished by their stepmother with a hot spatula. The horrific act of violence was reportedly carried out because the child had wet the bed. This disturbing case has sent ripples of outrage through the local community and beyond.The Incident UnfoldsAuthorities were alerted after neighbours noticed the childs severe injuries and reported them to local officials. According to sources, the stepmother used a heated spatula to burn the child as a form of punishment for bedwetting - a condition that is not uncommon among young children. The child, who was in significant pain, was rushed to a nearby hospital where they are currently receiving medical treatment.This incident raises serious questions about the legal and social safeguards in place to protect children from such heinous acts. Authorities are conducting a thorough investigation to ensure that the stepmother faces appropriate legal consequences. Meanwhile, child welfare organizations are advocating for stronger measures to prevent abuse and provide support to affected families.Meanwhile, the police are actively involved in investigating the case, aiming to gather all relevant evidence and ensure that justice is served. They have promised to keep the public informed as the case progresses.