New Delhi: Mysterious silence surrounds a fatal accident that occurred on June 9 in Sultanpur, Uttar Pradesh. The incident, which has yet to be acknowledged by local news outlets or receive an official statement from Uttar Pradesh police, has sparked public concern and calls for transparency.Head-on collision claims livesAccording to reports, a speeding Scorpio lost control and jumped the median, colliding head-on with a couple traveling in the opposite lane. The tragic accident resulted in the deaths of both individuals, who have been identified as a Major appointed to the Territorial Army and his wife.An accident occurred on 9th June in Sultanpur, Uttar Pradesh. According to the report, a high-speed Scorpio lost control, jumped the divider, and landed on a couple moving in the opposite direction, resulting in both deaths. The individuals were identified as Major appointed in…— Prateek Singh (@Prateek34381357) June 23, 2024Unconfirmed details and released suspectsLocal reports suggest that the vehicle was allegedly driven by two young men suspected of being under the influence. However, these details remain unconfirmed by authorities. Following the accident, locals apprehended the suspects and handed them over to the police, but they were subsequently released.Demand for answers growsThe lack of official acknowledgment regarding this fatal accident has raised serious questions. The absence of media coverage and the reported release of the suspects have left the public frustrated and seeking answers.