Renowned Ladakhi innovator and activist, Sonam Wangchuk, recently made a startling disclosure, claiming to have received an anonymous letter regarding a potential money laundering case involving his institute, the Students Educational and Cultural Movement of Ladakh.In a video shared on the X platform on April 21, Wangchuk recounted an unsettling encounter where a stranger handed him an envelope containing the anonymous letter. The letter, purportedly from the anti-money laundering department, revealed unauthorized access to the institutes bank account details, drawing parallels to a similar incident involving Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal.WHATS HAPPENING TO MY COUNTRY !Breaking promises is not a crime but reminding about them is... #SaveLadakh #SaveHimalayas #SaveGlaciers #6thSchedule #SupportSonamWangchuk— Sonam Wangchuk (@Wangchuk66) April 21, 2024What was Wangchuks responseExpressing suspicion over the source of the letter, Wangchuk speculated that it might have originated from bank staff or the investigating agency, possibly out of concern for the institutes integrity. He emphasized that neither he nor Gitanjali, his associate, draw any salary from the institute, and they diligently fulfill their tax obligations despite Ladakhs exemption from income tax.Transparency and clarificationsWangchuk asserted his financial transparency, affirming the absence of any personal assets worldwide. He sought to allay concerns by providing insights into the institutes financial operations and reiterating its commitment to ethical practices.This revelation comes amidst Wangchuks ongoing activism, highlighted by a recent 21-day hunger strike advocating for Ladakhs inclusion in the sixth schedule of the constitution. Additionally, Wangchuk issued a renewed plea to Prime Minister Narendra Modi to honor commitments made to the people of Ladakh, underscoring his dedication to regional development and equitable governance.