A shocking incident has surfaced from a government school in Mainpuri, Uttar Pradesh, where multiple female students have made grave accusations against their teacher, Narendra Yadav. The allegations are deeply concerning and have shocked both the local community and authorities.In the video that surfaced on social media, the victims claimed that Narendra Yadav engaged in numerous inappropriate and abusive behaviors. The girls reported that Yadav would touch them inappropriately, including placing his hands on their chests and reaching inside their dupattas. They also claimed he would seize them from behind and show them explicit videos on his mobile phone. Additionally, it was reported that Yadav frequently peeped into the girls washroom, further intensifying their distress.सर हमारे सीने पर हाथ रखते थे....हमारी चुन्नी के अंदर हाथ डालते थे...हमें पीछे से पकड़ लेते थे...मोबाइल में गंदे वीडियो दिखाते थे...लड़कियों के वाशरूम में झांकते थे...मैनपुरी के एक सरकारी स्कूल का टीचर नरेंद्र यादव स्कूल की बच्चियों के साथ अश्लील हरकतें करता था,बच्चियों ने… pic.twitter.com/RvzXOYlSQ6— Kavish Aziz (@azizkavish) September 2, 2024Complaints and Institutional ResponseThe victims also claimed that they initially brought their complaints to Madam Rupali Rastogi, a staff member at the school. Despite these serious allegations being communicated to her, Madam Rastogis intervention did not lead to any resolution. The matter was then reported to the school principal, who, according to the students, chose to suppress the issue rather than address it appropriately.Threats and IntimidationAs the students protests grew, they faced severe threats from Yadav. The accused allegedly warned the girls that he would harm them and dispose of their bodies in a location where they would never be found. These threats have further compounded the trauma experienced by the victims and have raised concerns about their safety and the effectiveness of the schools response.Calls for JusticeThe gravity of these allegations has prompted a call for immediate action from local authorities and educational boards. It is crucial that a thorough and transparent investigation be conducted to ensure the safety of students and hold those responsible accountable.