New Delhi: In the aftermath of the heinous incident in Bhadarsa, Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh, swift action has been initiated following Chief Minister Yogi Adityanaths directives. After meeting the mother of the rape victim in Lucknow, authorities have commenced bulldozer action against the illegal properties of the accused, Samajwadi Party leader Moeed Khan. Additionally, Minister Dr. Sanjay Nishad has met with the rape victim to show support.Ministers Emotional ResponseMinister Dr. Sanjay Nishad, visibly emotional after meeting the victim, addressed the media in tears. He criticized Akhilesh Yadavs PDA slogan, stating, Akhilesh Yadavs PDA is a lie. We lead the Nishad community. Nishad is a very backward community and is also a scheduled community. Women are revered here, but they have been tortured. Those who gave the slogan of PDA and patted their backs after the victory in Ayodhya, it seems that they won with the help of these criminals.#WATCH | On SP leader Moeed Khan, the main accused in the gang rape of a minor girl, UP Minister and Nishad Party chief Sanjay Nishad says, Akhilesh Yadavs PDA is a lie... Those who raise the slogans of PDA and feel proud of the fact that they won in Ayodhya, it seems that they…— ANI UP/Uttarakhand (@ANINewsUP) August 3, 2024Allegations Against Samajwadi PartyMinister Nishad accused the Samajwadi Party (SP) and Congress of protecting criminals, stating, SP and Congress, who used to give the slogan of PDA to protect criminals are not opening their mouth. They are protecting the criminal and are not even expelling him from the party. They are not taking any action against him. He vowed to fight for justice for the victim, emphasizing his commitment to ensuring the criminal is punished. In response to the incident, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has taken immediate action. Minister Nishad expressed his gratitude, saying, I would like to thank the Chief Minister for listening to my voice and taking action. I will try to support my community. I will go to the SP office and protest against such people. The MP who supports such criminals should be expelled from the party and his membership should be terminated.Following these events, Purakalandar police station in-charge Ratan Sharma and Bhadarsa outpost in-charge Akhilesh Gupta have been suspended. Further actions are anticipated, including investigations into the properties of the accused SP leader, with bulldozer action already underway against illegal properties.