Salim rapes daughter, films her then blackmails girl's mother to do THIS act of lust

With the shadow of the compromising video looming over her, the victim fell prey to Ansari's predatory advances

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In a disturbing revelation from Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, a mother and daughter have become victims of a heinous crime involving rape and blackmail. The perpetrator, identified as Salim Ansari, manipulated the daughter under false pretenses, leading to a tragic sequence of events that left both women traumatized.

According to Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Rohit Singh Sajwan, Salim Ansari, a resident of Golakuan in Kotwali, established a rapport with the young victim a year ago. Exploiting her trust, Ansari coerced her into accompanying him to the City Center Hotel near Football Chowk in TP Nagar, where he sexually assaulted her and recorded the appalling act. Threatening to expose the incriminating footage, Ansari subjected the victim to further abuse and extortion.

Escalation of crime

With the shadow of the compromising video looming over her, the victim fell prey to Ansari's predatory advances. Extorting money and exploiting her vulnerability, he perpetuated the cycle of abuse, leaving the victim in a state of anguish and helplessness. Matters took a darker turn when the victim, unable to bear the torment any longer, confided in her mother.

Mother's desperation

Driven by a mother's instinct to protect her child, the mother confronted Ansari, pleading for the deletion of the damning footage. However, her pleas fell on deaf ears as Ansari callously assaulted her as well during a meeting arranged under false pretenses. Exploiting her vulnerability, he captured her in another obscene video, compounding the trauma inflicted upon the family.

Legal action taken against accused

In a bid for justice, the mother lodged a formal complaint with the authorities, prompting action from the police. Ansari was apprehended and charged under Section 376 (rape) of the IPC. During interrogation, he confessed to his crimes, setting the stage for legal proceedings against him. The police are committed to ensuring that the perpetrator faces the full extent of the law, with investigations underway to deliver justice to the victims.

Similar incident in Gurugram

This distressing incident bears eerie parallels to a similar case that shook Gurugram in 2017, where a sub-inspector of Delhi Police was arrested for the rape and blackmail of a mother and daughter. Shocking! Dalit groom, guest beaten brutally as BARAAT passes via upper-caste locality