Police officials announced on Saturday that they had apprehended a Russian national residing in Badshahpur and discovered LSD and charas in his possession. Acting on a tip, the police conducted a raid on Friday night originating from Golf Course Road, leading to the arrest of Mikhailuk, a Russian citizen.The authorities recovered 0.25 grams of Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and 250 grams of charas from the individual, as reported by officials familiar with the case. An ongoing interrogation of the accused aims to unveil the drug trail, with concurrent efforts to validate his visa and passport status, according to a senior police officer.An FIR was lodged against Mikhailuk under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act at Sadar police station, signalling the commencement of further investigative procedures. Mikhailuks journey to India commenced six years ago on a tourist visa, which expired, yet he continued to reside within the country.Gurgaon police spokesperson Sandeep Kumar disclosed, Mikhailuk has been residing across various villages in Himachal Pradesh such as Kasol, Tosh, and Malana. He was involved in the transportation of drugs from Himachal Pradesh to Gurgaon, where he would sell them to potential customers frequenting roadside food stalls during night time.Kumar added, Efforts are underway to retrieve his passport and uncover insights into the narcotics network he has been associated with. In a related incident from 2021, a woman in Chandigarh received a 10-year jail sentence and a fine of ₹1 lakh after being caught with banned drugs. Her apprehension occurred during an attempt to flee from a police patrol car, during which the authorities seized 2,000 Tramadol capsules. She was charged under Section 22 of the NDPS Act and subsequently detained.