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Rs 1 Crore Ransom Demand: Kapurthala man alleges foreign extortion call

A case of ransom shocked one and all, as a commission agent from Kapurthala filed a complaint with the police, alleging a foreign number rang up and threatened him to demand ₹1 crore.

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Kapurthala man receives ₹1-crore extortion call (Freepik)

A Kapurthala commission agent has approached the police regarding extortion attempt for he received threatening call from his international number in which ₹ 1 crore as extortion amount demanded.

The police have started their probe into the matter

It states a complaint filed by Balbir Kumar which narrates how on Tuesday it started with that chocking phone call he received from a caller who was following his nephew and threatened him with harm until a heavy sum of money was paid. What bothered them about the extent and sophistication of the extortionists was that the caller was using the number from outside the country.

Stake in Safety of the Nephew

They were threatening my nephew, said Deputy Superintendent of Police Deep Karan Singh. They were threatening that they know everything about my family and business as well. "They demanded ₹1 crore and threatened to kill my nephew if I failed to comply," Kumar said in his complaint.

Police Act in Quick Response

After lodging the formal complaint with the police department, the case was filed with Section 308 of IPC extortions. The cops assured to provide support for Kumar and trace the culprits by applying the number from the foreign call and other search methods for conducting investigations.

It has underscored the rise of the dangers of technology from being misutilized. The government is tracking each international communication lines so that these types of threats do not occur anymore in the future.

