Leader of the Opposition Rahul Gandhi is expected to address the Lok Sabha on Monday regarding the Union Budget 2024. According to the sources, Congress MPs believed that Leader of the Opposition should speak in the house focusing several issues including the impact of the budget on various sectors and the overall economic strategy of the government. However, earlier in the meeting with Congress Lok Sabha MPs, Rahul Gandhi stated that he believes that other should also be given the chance, instead of speaking him every time, as he has already spoken during the special session of Parliament.The sources claim that party MPs are pressing the Congress leader to speak because they believe his speech as the Leader of the Opposition will have a big influence. Sources said that although Rahul hasnt decided yet, he will make a decision this morning as a result of pressure from the MPs.Before this, Rahul Gandhi criticised the Bharatiya Janata Party, which is now in power, saying that Tuesdays Union Budget was an attack on the dignity of Indias federal structure.This budget is an attack on the dignity of Indias federal structure - in the greed to save power, there is neglect of other states of the country, there is discrimination against them, Rahul Gandhi wrote in a Facebook post.On Friday, the Congress MP took part in an INDIA bloc demonstration against the budget at the Parliament building.