New Delhi: In the heart of Punjab, a state grappling with a widespread drug crisis, the story of a jewelers son offers a glimmer of hope. Entrapped in the vicious cycle of heroin addiction, he squandered 60 lakhs over eight years. Now, driven by a newfound resolve and love for his sister, he seeks redemption at the District Red Cross Drug De-addiction Centre. Hailing from a nearby district, the young mans descent into addiction began with the influence of friends.Life ruined by bad companyInitially, they introduced him to heroin. What started as casual use spiraled into dependency, with his so-called friends eventually demanding money for drugs. As the son of a jeweler, he had no shortage of funds. From 2016 onward, he drained his familys wealth, totaling around 60 lakhs, to sustain his habit.Tragic turning pointThe death of his parents marked a tragic turning point. With an inheritance of substantial money and property, he continued his downward spiral, even selling off parts of the family estate to fund his addiction. However, the recent crackdown on drug availability began to impact him, but it was the sight of his sister that truly opened his eyes. Realizing he had no one else left, he committed to quitting drugs for her sake.Seeking help for a better futureDetermined to turn his life around, he entered the District Red Cross Drug De-addiction Centre. His primary motivation: his sister, and a desire to start a family once clean. He firmly believes that overcoming addiction requires the individuals strong willpower and initiative. After several days at the center, his health has shown improvement. He now aspires to inspire others trapped in addiction to seek help and reclaim their lives.Impact of synthetic drugsRomesh Mahajan, the project director at the de-addiction center, highlights the alarming prevalence of synthetic drugs in cases of overdose. Over the past 15 years, 90% of those seeking help have been heroin users. The mixture of chemicals in heroin has led to an increase in overdose incidents. Mahajan emphasizes that while the Punjab government is making strides in combating drug addiction, public cooperation is crucial.