Police investigating the fatal collision involving two engineers on a motorcycle and a luxury Porsche driven by a minor in Pune plan to use advanced artificial intelligence (AI) technology and software to digitally reconstruct the entire scene. This initiative, announced by a senior police officer on Wednesday, represents a novel application of AI in accident investigations.The officer highlighted that while AI has been effectively used in murder cases to identify mutilated bodies, it has not yet been employed for digitally transforming accident scenes. He explained to PTI-Bhasha, There are AI simulation models and core software capable of creating three-dimensional images or 3D walk-throughs if provided with CCTV footage, photographs, or pictures of the incident spot.Collection of CCTV FootageThe police have gathered numerous photographs and CCTV camera footage from the route leading to the accident site, which will be integral to the digital transformation.Details of the IncidentAccording to the police, the minor driver was intoxicated at the time of the incident, which occurred in Punes Kalyani Nagar area on the morning of May 19. The digital reconstruction will involve recreating the route from the juveniles home to Cosie Restaurant, then to Blak Club in the Mundhwa area, and finally to the accident site in Kalyani Nagar.