In a dramatic escalation of tensions in Manipur, police forces reportedly opened fire on student protesters, leaving several injured. The protests, which have gripped the region, saw students occupying the iconic Khwairamband Mothers Market in the heart of Imphal, a central landmark in Manipur. The students are demanding immediate action from Prime Minister Narendra Modi in response to the recent attacks by Kuki militants.Latest updates from #Manipur: Police started firing to students protestors & many injured. Students occupied prominent central landmark of Manipur- Khwairamband Mothers market. Students are demanding PM @narendramodi action against Kuki Militants who fired Ballistic missiles &…— Licypriya Kangujam (@LicypriyaK) September 10, 2024The protesters claim that Kuki militants carried out ballistic missile and drone strikes earlier this week, targeting the Meitei community. These violent attacks have heightened the already fragile situation in Manipur, leading to widespread unrest among various communities.Chanting slogans and holding banners, the student protesters voiced their frustration over what they describe as government inaction. “We are calling for Prime Minister Modi to intervene and take strong action against these militant groups. The Meitei people have been left vulnerable, and we are demanding justice,” said one protester, speaking anonymously.The protest took a violent turn when clashes erupted between the students and police forces deployed to maintain order. As tensions escalated, the police reportedly resorted to firing to disperse the crowd, resulting in several injuries. Witnesses on the ground reported chaos as students fled in panic while some were taken away for medical assistance.More details awaited…