In connection with the killing of the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) President K Armstrong in Tamil Nadu, Chennai Police has apprehended eight people so far. K Armstrong, BSP chief Mayawatis close aid was killed by a six-person, unidentified mob near his Perambur, Chennai, home.Asra Garg, Additional Commissioner of Police (Law and Order), North Chennai, stated, So far, we have eight suspects in the murder case that we have been detained. This is just an initial inquiry. We have organized ten teams. Our mission is to expose the perpetrators. Well be able to determine the reason for the murder if these people are questioned. There have been certain uses of sharp objects.Slain BSP leaders supporters protest in ChennaiMeanwhile, the party workers in Chennai are protesting and demanding Central Bureau of Investigation to intervene. The demonstrators demanded a CBI investigation into the murder and declared that they had no faith in the Tamil Nadu administration. Additionally, the partys employees have called on Chief Minister MK Stalin to quit.Meanwhile, to keep the safety and security of people, heavy police forces have been deployed at the hospital premises with senior police officers also present.On Saturday, a huge traffic jam at Poonamallee High Road, in Chennai was witnessed after Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) workers and supporters blocked the road outside Rajiv Gandhi Government Hospital. The workers are demanding a CBI inquiry into the matter. Armstrong was hacked to death by an unidentified mob of 6 people near his residence in Perambur, in Chennai. Police are searching for the accused.#WATCH | Tamil Nadu | Traffic jam at Poonamallee High Road, in Chennai as Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) workers and supporters block the road outside Rajiv Gandhi Government Hospital.They are demanding a CBI inquiry into the matter. Armstrong was hacked to death by an unidentified…— ANI (@ANI) July 6, 2024Punish the guilty: MayawatiDemanding justice, Mayawati has asked the state government to punish the people involved in the gruesome killing. Taking it to her X handle, she mentioned, “The gruesome killing of Mr. K. Armstrong, Tamil Nadu state Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) president, outside his Chennai house is highly deplorable and condemnable. An advocate by profession, he was known as a strong Dalit voice in the state. The state Govt. must punish the guilty.”The gruesome killing of Mr. K. Armstrong, Tamil Nadu state Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) president, outside his Chennai house is highly deplorable and condemnable. An advocate by profession, he was known as a strong Dalit voice in the state. The state Govt. must punish the guilty.— Mayawati (@Mayawati) July 5, 2024