At the Bharat Mandapam in New Delhi on Friday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi gave the inaugural National Creators Awards. What caught the public eye was that while the PM gave the award to Keerthika Govindasamy for best storyteller, he could be seen touching her feet as she extended the gesture by doing the same.#WATCH | Delhi: At the National Creators Award, Prime Minister Narendra Modi presents the best storyteller award to Keerthika Govindasamy at Bharat Mandapam.— ANI (@ANI) March 8, 2024More on the Creators Awards In the category of Green Champion, Pankhti Pandey won the prize. Gaurav Chaudhary won the Best Creator in Tech Category title, Keerthika Govindasamy took home the Best Storyteller title, Maithili Thakur, the singer, received the Cultural Ambassador of the Year award, and Kamiya Jani was named the Favourite Travel Creator.The National Creators Award recognises the talent of our creators community. It celebrates their passion to use creativity for driving a positive change.— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) March 8, 2024The prizes are meant to serve as a springboard for using creativity to promote constructive change. The goal of the awards is to honor brilliance and significance in a variety of fields, such as gaming, storytelling, environmental sustainability, social change activism, and education.The categorys explained...In 20 different categories, more than 1.5 lakh nominations were received. Following that, about 10 lakh votes were cast for digital creators across a number of award categories throughout the voting stage. 23 winners were then chosen, three of them were foreign creators.Twenty categories were covered by the awards: best storyteller, disruptor, celebrity creator, green champion, best creator for social change, most influential agri creator, cultural ambassador, best travel creator, swachhta ambassador, new India champion, tech creator, heritage fashion, most creative creator (male and female), best creator in the food category, best creator in education, and international creator award.