Ratlam (Madhya Pradesh): A deeply disturbing video has emerged on social media, showcasing a shocking incident in Ratlam district, Madhya Pradesh, where a youth was seen violently hitting three children with a chappal and coercing them to chant Jai Shree Ram. The children, reportedly from the Muslim community, were subjected to physical abuse and intimidation, raising serious concerns about communal tensions in the region.Disturbing Details of the AttackAccording to reports, the incident occurred near Amritsagar Talab, where the children were innocently playing when they were confronted by the assailant. As one of the boys cried out Allah, the attacker escalated his violence, hitting them harder. Eyewitnesses described how the youth hurled abuses at the frightened children while demanding their fathers contact numbers, further humiliating them. The children pleaded for mercy, but their cries fell on deaf ears as they were threatened with being thrown into a nearby pond if they did not comply.A police report indicates that 13-year-old Mohammad Raza was among those targeted during this horrific episode. The children were simply enjoying their time when they were approached by two men who began to verbally and physically assault them, a police official stated. The incident was recorded by another individual who failed to intervene, instead opting to capture the abuse on camera.In India see in this video how much hatred against Muslims has entered their hearts.This incident is from MP, Ratlam where these small terrorists are beating 3 Muslim children and forcing them to raise JSR slogans. pic.twitter.com/ph8cqnB0bq— Al Faris Emirati (@Sheikhalfaris) December 5, 2024Police Response and Legal ActionFollowing the emergence of this alarming video, local authorities have taken swift action. An FIR has been registered against two unidentified individuals for assault, abuse, issuing death threats, and hurting religious sentiments. The police have formed a specialized team, including cyber officials, to investigate the matter thoroughly and locate the perpetrators. This kind of behavior is unacceptable and will not be tolerated, said a police spokesperson. Community Outrage and Calls for JusticeThe incident has sparked outrage among community members and activists who are calling for accountability and justice. Many are expressing concern over the increasing instances of communal violence and harassment faced by marginalized communities. This is not just an attack on these children it is an attack on our shared humanity, remarked a local activist. We must stand together against such acts of hatred and violence.