In a shocking revelation from Uttar Pradesh, a viral video has surfaced highlighting corruption within the Hardoi Development Office (Vikas Bhavan). The footage shows an employee allegedly demanding a bribe of ₹500 from a sanitation worker, raising questions about the extent of bribery within government departments.Video evidence sparks outrageThe video, which has gained traction on social media, depicts a sanitation worker being asked to pay ₹500 by a staff member allegedly employed at the Hardoi Vikas Bhavan. The demand, caught on camera, underscores allegations of systemic corruption even at the lower levels of government.The video has triggered widespread criticism, with many questioning whether any department in Uttar Pradesh remains untouched by bribery and unethical practices.यूपी में कोई विभाग बता दीजिये जहां घूसख़ोरी न चल रही हो.ये वीडियो हरदोई के विकास भवन का है. जहां सफाई कर्मचारी तक से वसूली की जा रही है. विभाग में तैनात कर्मचारी सफ़ाई कर्मी से 500 सौ रुपये मांग रहा है.— Priya singh (@priyarajputlive) November 15, 2024Public reactionCitizens have expressed outrage over the incident, calling for immediate action against the involved personnel. “If even sanitation workers have to pay bribes to perform their duties, what hope do we have for transparency in higher offices” a local resident commented online.Social activists and opposition leaders have demanded a thorough investigation, urging the government to tackle corruption in its ranks. Many have called for stricter monitoring and enforcement to root out such practices that tarnish the image of public offices.Governments response pendingAs of now, no official statement has been released regarding the incident. However, the viral nature of the video is expected to compel authorities to initiate an inquiry and take corrective measures.This incident serves as a grim reminder of the pervasive corruption that continues to plague various sectors, hindering the development and functioning of essential public services.