In the latest developments in the Rajkot game zone fire incident case, the police have detained another offender and one of the five partners, Dhaval Thakkar. According to Banaskantha Superintendent of Police Akshayraj Makwana, he has been arrested from Abu Road in adjacent Rajasthan.Rajkot TRP game zone fire incident | Banaskantha Local Crime Branch police & Rajkot Police caught main accused Dhaval Thakkar from Abu Road in Rajasthan. He had fled after the fire broke out in the game zone: Banaskantha Local Crime Branch Police(Picture source: Banaskantha…— ANI (@ANI) May 27, 2024With this, he is the fourth accused who has been detained in connection with the fire incident, which has claimed 28 lives on Saturday.Who is Dhaval ThakkarDhaval Thakkar is the proprietor of Dhaval Corporation and among five partners of Raceway Enterprises, which ran the TRP game zone. As per sources, he fled from the scene soon after the incident.How many arrests so farBefore Thakkar, police had arrested Yovrajsinh Solanki and Rahul Rathod, partners and Nitin Jain, the manager of the game zone. They all have been sent to 14-day police custody by a court in Rajkot. In connection with the case, the police have filed a formal complaint against six individuals: Thakkar, Solanki, Rathod, and partners of Raceway Enterprises, Ashoksinh Jadeja, Kiritsinh Jadeja, and Prakashchand Hiran.The complaint has been registered under Sections 337 (causing hurt by an act that endangers the life or personal safety of others), 338 (causing grievous hurt to a person by doing an act that endangers their life or personal safety), 308 (attempt to commit culpable homicide), and 114 (someone present when offense is committed) of the Indian Penal Code.Meanwhile, to investigate the cases, the state government has formed a Special Investigation Team (SIT) and offered the families of the deceased an ex gratia of Rs 2 lakh.Taking swift action in the case, the Gujarat government has suspended the seven officials, including two police inspectors and civic staff of Rajkot Municipal Corporation, for neglecting duty in connection with the case. All the gaming zones in Vadodara have been temporarily shut, following the incident.