Ratan Tata, the 86-year-old former chairman of Tata Sons, has dismissed recent reports claiming that he was hospitalized due to a drop in blood pressure. In a statement shared on social media, Tata clarified that the circulating rumours regarding his health were entirely baseless.“I am aware of recent rumours circulating regarding my health and want to assure everyone that these claims are unfounded. I am currently undergoing medical check-ups due to my age and related medical conditions. There is no cause for concern. I remain in good spirits and request that the public and media refrain from spreading misinformation,” Tata posted on Instagram.Thank you for thinking of me 🤍 pic.twitter.com/MICi6zVH99— Ratan N. Tata (@RNTata2000) October 7, 2024On Monday, several media outlets reported that Tata had been admitted to Breach Candy Hospital in Mumbai after experiencing a significant drop in blood pressure. These claims quickly gained traction, raising concerns about the industrialists health.However, Tatas prompt clarification on social media has eased these worries. He emphasized that his recent hospital visits were routine check-ups and that his health remained stable. Tata, who retired from active business leadership years ago, continues to be an influential figure in Indias corporate landscape, and his well-being is closely followed by the public.