In the heart of Delhis Karol Bagh, a neighbor called affectionately as Tau by two young sisters shattered the trust of a family, exploiting his proximity to perpetrate unspeakable acts of abuse. Seizing upon the innocence of the two sisters, aged seven and in the second grade, the perpetrator cunningly used treats like chocolate and ice cream as a sinister lure into his world of darkness.A Nightmare UnfoldsThe accused first sexually abused a 7-year-old girl. He used to call her on the pretext of giving her chocolate and ice cream. After sexually abusing her for about two months, on May 3, he called the victims elder sister who was playing outside the house. Then he took her to an isolated house and raped her also. The accused had threatened to kill both the sisters if they told anything about the incident to their parents.Elder sister revealsIn a courageous act of solidarity, the elder sister confided her ordeal to her younger sibling, leading to the revelation of the horrifying truth to their mother, sparking a quest for justice.As they sat together in their room on Sunday night, the older sister bravely shared what had happened with the younger one. Their mother, hearing their conversation, asked what was wrong, and the girls, filled with fear, shared everything. The next day, the family went to the Deshbandhu Gupta Road police station to file a complaint.