In recent days, the rumor mill has been abuzz with speculation about the relationship between Bollywood actress Natasa Stankovic and Indian cricketer Hardik Pandya. Amidst these swirling rumors of a potential split, Natasa was recently spotted at the Mumbai airport, leaving the city with her son, Agastya. This has added fuel to the fire, leading fans and followers to wonder about the future of the celebrity couple.Departure from MumbaiOnlookers at the Mumbai airport were quick to notice Natasa Stankovic as she prepared to board a flight with her young son, Agastya. The actress, known for her appearances in Bollywood films and reality TV shows, looked composed but determined. Dressed in casual travel attire, Natasa handled her luggage and her son with poise, while maintaining a low profile.#Watch : #Nataša Stanković clicked at departure of airport Mumbai— The Mumbai Observer (@MumbaiObserver) July 17, 2024The rumors of a divorce between Natasa and Hardik Pandya have been circulating for some time now. Although neither party has made any official statements regarding their relationship status, their absence from each others social media posts and public events has led to increased speculation. Fans are particularly concerned given the couples high-profile relationship and the fact that they frequently shared glimpses of their family life online.Natasas Journey with AgastyaAs Natasa and Agastya made their way through the airport, the sight of the mother-son duo embarking on a journey without Hardik further fueled the divorce rumors. Agastya, born in July 2020, has often been seen in adorable social media posts shared by both parents. The couple, who got engaged on January 1, 2020, and married during the COVID-19 lockdown, have been considered one of the most beloved celebrity couples in India. Both Natasa and Hardik have chosen to remain silent amidst the divorce speculations. Their silence has left fans and media in a frenzy, with everyone eagerly awaiting an official statement. The couples decision to keep their personal matters private is respected by many, though it does little to quell the rumors.The news of Natasas departure with Agastya has elicited mixed reactions from the public. While some fans are concerned about the potential end of their favorite celebrity couples relationship, others express support for Natasa, applauding her strength and independence. Social media platforms are abuzz with messages of solidarity and hope for a positive resolution.