New Delhi: On a tumultuous Monday morning in Parliament, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Congress MP Rahul Gandhi clashed in a highly charged debate. Rahul Gandhi, armed with a copy of the Constitution and photos of religious icons, including Lord Shiva, Prophet Mohammed, Jesus Christ, and Guru Nanak Singh, launched a fierce critique of the ruling BJP and its ideological mentor, the RSS. The session was marked by intense shouting and interruptions from MPs on both sides.Demands for apology and rebuttalsHome Minister Amit Shah demanded an apology from Rahul Gandhi for his remarks, while Defence Minister Rajnath Singh accused Gandhi of spreading misinformation about compensation to the families of Agniveer military recruits who died in service. In response, Prime Minister Modi rose twice to counter Gandhis statements, emphasizing the importance of respecting the Leader of the Opposition, a post currently held by Gandhi.Rahul Gandhis accusationsRahul Gandhi accused the BJP and RSS of inciting violence against minorities. Our great men spoke about non-violence, but those who call themselves Hindus talk only about hatred... aap Hindu ho hi nahin (you are not a Hindu), he said, sparking uproar in the house. Gandhis pointed attack focused on what he described as a systematic assault on the idea of India, the Constitution, and those who opposed such attacks.Watch the video here:नरेंद्र मोदी पूरा हिंदू समाज नहीं है।BJP पूरा हिंदू समाज नहीं है।RSS पूरा हिंदू समाज नहीं है।ये ठेका नहीं है BJP का: नेता विपक्ष श्री @RahulGandhi— Congress (@INCIndia) July 1, 2024Prime Minister Modis responsePrime Minister Modi, in his rebuttal, countered Gandhis accusations by stating that calling the entire Hindu society violent is a serious allegation. He reiterated his respect for the Constitution and the role of the Leader of the Opposition. His comments were met with jeers from opposition members, highlighting the deep divisions within Parliament.Personal attacks and imprisonmentGandhi highlighted the personal attacks faced by opposition leaders, implying that some were unjustly imprisoned. This was seen as a reference to Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, who is currently in Tihar Jail following his arrest in connection with the liquor policy case. Kejriwals AAP is part of the Congress-led INDIA opposition bloc, further underscoring the political tensions at play.