Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav has taken a potshot at Leader of Opposition (LoP) in Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi over his recent remark on Ram Mandir Pran Pratishtha ceremony, saying he has no right to insult crores of Hindus and should apologise. The CM further said Congress national president Mallikarjun Kharge should ask the LoP not to say such things.Rahul Gandhi has no right to insult crores of Hindus and he should apologise. Campaigning for his party during elections and putting his points is one thing, but after many years of struggle, Lord Ram entered his temple and the way he made fun of the entire ceremony was a very petty act. I strongly condemn it and hope that he should apologise, CM Yadav told reporters in Indore on Saturday.The whole country is filled with anger and Hindus across the world have been deeply hurt. I hope that the National President of Congress will ask his partys ex-president (Rahul Gandhi) not to say such things. The way he behaves with Hindus, it is the reason that he is out of power for the third time, he added.Recently, Congress Leader Rahul Gandhi made the remark over the Ram Mandir Pran Pratishtha ceremony while addressing a public gathering as part of the election campaign in Barwala, Hisar, Haryana.Meanwhile, CM Yadav also participated in the seminar organised on Colloquium on - Intellectual Property Rights in Indore on Saturday and held discussion on the protection-promotion and effective implementation of intellectual property rights along with innovations.Addressing the occasion, CM Yadav said, I would like to thank PM Modi that for the first time, he made policy for intellectual property in 2016 and has guided us. We all have seen in tough times during Covid times, how we all adopted modern technologies. I would like to thank the judicial system that even in those tough hours, they continued their work of delivering justice.(Except for the headline, nothing has been changed by Top Indian News in the wire.)